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New technologies for controlling carbon dioxide levels in the battle against global warming

Posted under News, Technology

Scientists continue to produce more and more evidence showing both the dangers of global warming, and its link to our continued over-production of carbon dioxide. This article examines exciting new research that demonstrates methods being developed to safely capture excess carbon dioxide, which - together with a shift to renewable energy - could help in our battle against global warming.

Developing solar panels that use raindrops to generate power

Posted under News, Solar PV, Technology

We continue to enjoy huge advances in solar PV panel and renewable energy storage technology. Scientists in China have recently demonstrated that solar cells coated with graphene can harness rain to generate electricity in the absence of sunlight. Development of these into solar panels that work in the absence of sunlight, may provide an even more effective alternative to fossil fuels for people in the UK, and other rainy parts of the world.

Feed-in Tariff deadline

Posted under News, Solar PV, UK

People interested in switching to solar panels have until 14th January 2016 to complete their applications, in order to benefit from the current feed-in tariff scheme.

Buckinghamshire is starting to turn rubbish into power

Posted under News, Sustainable Energy, Technology, UK

Buried waste in our landfill sites decomposes anaerobically to generate methane which is 23 times more damaging for the environment than CO2. The UK is starting to find alternatives to landfill in order to meet our emissions targets. Buckinghamshire has now started to process some of its rubbish to generate electricity that can be fed back into the grid.

GoogleX Solar-powered balloons - the future of the internet?

Posted under Technology, World

Fifty seven percent of the world’s population currently has no access to the internet. Google are planning to launch a fleet of solar-powered balloons, containing wireless routers, to hover at altitude and provide internet to remote and rural areas of the world that are not currently on-line, and offer the security of a stable internet service in the event of natural disasters.

Britain vows to phase out coal-fired energy plants by 2025

Posted under News, UK

This week the UK Government announced that all coal-fired energy plants will close in the UK by 2025. They aim to have reliable, cost-effective energy and to reduce carbon emissions. The government intend to switch to gas-fuelled power plants as a replacement. Environmental groups have welcomed the phasing out of coal but they are wary of it being superseded by gas-plants instead of a shift in focus to more sustainable renewable energy.

Global focus on renewable energy for the future

Posted under News, Sustainable Energy, World

A new report from the International Energy Agency has shown that in 2014 over half the world’s new power generation plants were for renewable energy. This suggests that renewable energy choices such as solar, wind and biomass power plants are becoming a more popular option for nations looking to increase their power generation.

SolaSave CIS thin-film case study

Posted under Case Study

SolaSave have a number of installations where shading would have potentially rendered the site unsuitable for solar PV using regular crystalline panels. A good example of this is shown in the this case study, where CIS thin-film panels have been installed in severe shaded conditions and are performing considerably better than predicted.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

Posted under Technology

At SolaSave we survey a range of properties for customers who are interested in solar installation. Some of the properties we see are more shaded from the sun. In many of these cases we have successfully installed innovative “CIS thin-film” solar panels. This panel technology significantly overcomes the decreased annual energy yields of conventional silicon solar panels for shaded properties and provides supplies of solar power that our customers are delighted with.

Bridgestone world solar challenge

Posted under News, World

18-25th October 2015 saw a 3000km race across the outback in Australia where cars created by 46 teams across the world competed, powered solely from the sun.

Can lithium revolutionise the way we harness energy?

Posted under Technology

Techniques for purifying lithium and for optimising its effectiveness in batteries means that lithium is a valuable commodity that could revolutionise the way that we harness renewable energy in the future. This may bypass our need for fossil fuels.

Britain 2020 – renewable energy target

Posted under News, UK

The British government has been warned that it is not on track to meet its target of 15% of the UK's energy to come from renewables by 2020. This comes as the government is set to cut its subsidies for renewable energy and could result in legal action.

Solar panel storage in 50% of Australian homes by 2020

Posted under Case Study, News, Solar PV

The Climate Council have suggested that due to the development of cheaper batteries with higher storage capacity, 50% of homes in Australia could be powered by solar panels by 2020. Many battery companies are focused on marketing their products in Australia with one leader Tesla aiming to have their batteries in Australia homes by the end of 2015.

Can we store energy generated from our solar panels?

Posted under Solar PV, Sustainable Energy

Currently in the UK owners of homes with solar panels can save money on their electricity and can sell surplus power back to the national grid, using a solar feed-in tariff. Customers can then buy back electricity when needed. Legislation may be changing in 2016 as the government are proposing an 87% decrease in solar power feed-in tariffs.